Abune Zena
thank you
We would like to express our heartfelt thanks and gratitude to all who extended their condolences and kind words.
Name Kebede Agegnehu
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Portland
State OR
My Ethiopian Orthodox Church and my country Ethiopia have lost their holy son. His Eminence Archbishop Zena Markos was our most holy father in our time. He loved his people, church and his country Ethiopia. I can't find enough word to describe our father's kindness and love to humanity in general and Ethiopians in particular. My dear holy father, I am going to miss you so much until the day that I will depart from this world . My holy father , rest in peace.
Your son Kebede Agegnehu.
Portland Oregon.  

Name Anonymous
E-mail -
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City -
State -
Country -
What a huge loss! May the almighty God rest his soul in peace.

Name Annonymous
Home Page -
Telephone -
City -
State -
Country -
We Ethiopians lost the grace of our tewahedo.

Name Fasil Kagnew
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Bedford
State TX
Country -
Abune Zena Markos spirit remain in my heart till I leave this world.

Name Tamiru Ayele
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Las Vegas
State NV
Country USA

We Board members and clergymen of the Las Vegas Debre Mihret St Michael EOTC are deeply saddened by the loss of our Holly Father, His Eminence Archbishop Zena Markos! May God rest his soul in peace!


Name Michael Neguse
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Seattle
State WA
Country USA
God bless your soul Abuna.


Name Fassika Kebede & Abel Admassu
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Toronto
State Ontario
Country Canada
On behalf of my family and I, I would like to express my condolences to the St.Gabriel Ethiopian Orthodox Church members in Seattle. His Eminence was one of my own fathers spiritual fathers. I spoke to him recently and he gave me a blessing, and me and my children will remember him forever. We wish for him to rest peacefully with the permission of Our almighty God, Amen.

Name Etenesh Takele
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Vancouver
State BC
Country Canada
As I always called His Eminence Archbishop Zena Markos, Abba Zena. I could not believe he has departed. I could not express my sorrow and the sorrow of many Ethiopians inside and out side the country. ABA Zena was a true Shepherd for his flocks. I could not forget the day he came and blessed us in the dusty refugee camp in Kenya. I was blessed and honoured to have him and get his blessing here in Vancouver. I know the almighty Lord will put his soul next to Abraham, Isaac and Ya cob, he has gone to the place where ABA Teklehaimanot went to. The only regret I have is, I wish his flash could rest back in his holly land where he might have wished. Abba-Zena, I love you and miss you very much.

Name Samuel and Roman
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Bellevue
State WA
Country USA
Rest in Peace Abune Zena. God bless your soul. The last time my wife and I saw His Holiness was the week after Epiphany at church. We never suspected that his Holiness was seriously ill.It was very hard for us to believe when we heard the bad news on saturday night.

The first time I met His Eminence was about nine years ago in Atlanta when His Holiness came to stay in the house(W/O Elfinesh, RIP) where I was staying in. Abun Zena had sprained his ankle and I had the blessing to massage His feet.
We lost a great Father.

Our Condolences.

Samuel and Roman.

Name Alemayehu Zenebe
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Los Angeles
State CA
Country -

Ethiopia suffered a great loss today. Abune Zena, pillar of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, vanguard of the forgotten, protector of the weak. Abatye Aferun Yeklillo. May god bless your humble soul.


Name Annonymous
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Who is going to give us big love? Who is going to pray for us? Who is going to show us spritual love?of cours God will take care us.but are we going to get very great Archbishop like abune Zena Markos? I have never felt sadness like this. I have never stop for a second thinking about Aba Zena since I heard what happened to him.

Name Getachew W. Selassie
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Peabody
State MA
Country USA

In 2001, His Eminence Archbishop Zena Markos came to Boston, Massachusetts to consecrate our St. Michael church. I was the lucky and blessed one to host him and his aid Ababa Berhanu Hiwot. It was one of my joyous experiences in my entire life. He is a descent and man of god I ever met. For remembrance of the occasion, I have sent him his inspirational picture framed and printed on a coffee mug which he told me that he loved it. I always loved him. And now he is with GOD.

May you find strength and peace
in the memories of your loved one
and in the support of those
who care about you.

With Deepest Sympathy,

Name Eyasu
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Washington
State DC
Country USA
Rest in Peace Abatachin.

Name Berhanu Woldesemayat
E-mail [email protected]
City Silver Spring
State MD
Country USA
Abune Zena Markos was one of the greatest true Ethiopian orthodox Christian father. he will be missed by many of his followers. May god bless his soul.
Thank you

Name Deacon Paulos
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Curlew
State WA
Country USA

I have not had the opportunity to see our beloved Abuna Zena Marcos for many years. Father David Jolly sent me an email informing me of Abbatachen's (sp?) sudden passing. I will miss him greatly! I remember welI being with Abuna, in the old rented church to celebrate Faseca (sp?) and when he ordained Abba Yeshaq to the priesthood, almost 15 years ago. I know what it feels like to lose a much beloved priest or Bishop. I served as Deacon to Abba Yeshaq , in Republic WA, until he passed away to be with our Lord almost three years ago. I took care of all his affairs for the last four to five years of his life, so I know how difficult this must be for all of you. But we can rejoice that our beloved Archbishop also is now with our Lord and with the community of the saints. I had hoped to come to Seattle later this year to speak with him about becoming a Full Deacon and eventually a priest, to better serve our people, in Spokane. He often spoke to Fr David of wanting me to become a priest eventually. I've been helping, at St Gregorios Mission Parish where Deacon Gabriel Pike serves. I have had the privilege to meet and to begin to develop friendships with a number my Ethiopian and Eritrean brothers and sisters who come to St Gregorios.

I will keep our beloved "Aba Zena" and all of you in my prayers.--Sub Deacon Paulos

Name Hizkias Woldegabriel
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Antioch
State TN
Country USA
In Aug. 2000 I found my wife on her bed and can't move, when I ask her what happened she tell me please call 911, and I did it, thank god the ambulance arrived very fast and took her to Virginia Mason hospital later we found from the diagnosis it was a brain aneurysm. the doctor recommended a surgery but he needs to consult a family member before the procedure. Thank for my brother-in-law gashie Girma I called him (Enginier Girma) he raise various question for the doctor and the doctor tell us only two procedure he practice for this kind of patients. 1) surgical Clipping or 2) is endovascular coiling. gashie Girma asking the doctor what the advantage and disadvantage of both procedure then the doctor explain to us that if we chose the surgical procedure and fail, it has no second chance, but if we chose Endovascular coiling and it fails he can try the surgical clipping. This time gashie Girma and I decided the second procedure and the procedure done the next morning and her doctor came to our waiting room and tell us the procedure was done successfully. she was in the hospital for following treatment for almost a week but she still can't walk and her doctor deciding that she has to follow her treatment in the nursing home because they decide she will be paralyzed for the rest of her life. IT WAS AFTER ALL THIS AFTER A WEEK AROUND 10.00 am ABUNE ZENA CAME TO HER HOSPITAL BED WITH ABA WOLDESILLASIE, DECAON TADESE AND ABA WOLDETENSAY AND PRAY FOR HER AND PUT "tsebel " ON HER BODY, WHEN ABUNE ZENA READY TO GO HE TOLD HER "LIJEE IMNETISH ADINOSHAL" WE SAID AMEN! ABUNE ZENA HAS NO DOUBT WHEN HE SAID THIS AND LEFT THE HOSPITAL DOOR. AROUND 5.00 pm. THE SAME DAY MY WIFE ASK ME AND HER BROTHER SHE WANT TO GO FOR WALK, WE CAN'T BELIEVE IT SHE STAND AND START WALKING IN THE HOSPITAL CORIDOR THE NURSES CAN'T BELIEVE IT, THEY CAME AND ASK HOW SHE IS FEELING AND SHE TOLD THEM SHE IS FINE. The next morning when her doctor came to visit her he said what am hearing? Were you walking yester day? She told him yes.

I thank you all the Seattle Orthodox family the children of this wonderful spiritual father(Abune Zena) what you are doing now is great. I am proud of you.

Name David Jolly
E-mail [email protected]
Home Page -
Telephone -
City -
State -
Country USA
Abuna Zena Markos was my temperal father; I will miss him greatly.  To Deacon Tadessa my deepest sympathies and to all those who loved His Eminence.  May his memory be blessed and his reward in Heaven great.
Father David H Jolly

Name Badege Bishaw and Bezunesh Abebe
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Corvalis
State OR
Country USA

Our deepest sympathy and condolence to the loss of dear father Abune Zena Markos. Abune Zena was a great religious leader and father to all of us the followers of the Orthodox faith. Lord rest his soul in peace with other Saints.

Name GebreYesus HaileMariam
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone (303) 306-7995
City New Bridge
State Kildare
Country Ireland

Be Abatachin Ereft Yetesemagn hazen kebad new. Ke Abatachin buraken ketekebelu mekakel negn. Abatachin be abraham ekif honew ahunim legna endemitseliyu amnalehu. nefsachewun begenet asarfo egnanim betselotachew yitebiken. hazenachinin yakalilin. Amen

Name Tsigneh
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Seattle
State WA
Country USA

We will miss Aba Zena!!


Name Decon lesan-Gebreal and wezro Betlehem
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Halifax
State Nova Scotia
Country Canada

This is very sad news for all of us that lived with Ethiopian Orthodox Church. We lost irreplaceable father that dedicate all his life for church doctrine and dogma. We can say fully with confidence our father Abune zena is with us within our eternal life. Definitely we are so proud to be called his spiritual sons. As the matter of fact he ordained us to be called deacon. Therefore we will pass his mission for the next generation and for generations to come.

Let our lord bless his soul.

Name Deacon Gebriel Pike
E-mail [email protected]
Home Page -
Telephone -
City Spokane
State WA
Country USA

His Eminence "Aba Zena' always welcomed me with a warm smile, a blessing, and with very good humor. I will miss him dearly but know his suffering is now over as he rests in our Lord's loving embrace.

Name Lemma Gultie
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Portland
State OR
Country USA
His eminence Abune Zena Markos was a man of the truth and stood strong to save the faith. I have the pleasure to meet this religious father. He was very knowledgeable, kind, humble and a true man of God. I have no words to express how we Ethiopians loss such an innocent father. O mighty God let his soul rest in peace.

Name Deacon Haile Gebriel

[email protected]

Telephone -
City Alexandria
State VA
Country USA

I am very sorry that our church has lost an important and very holly figure of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. There is no word to express our holly father so I will just say that he will be up in heaven serving GOD with Kahenate-Semay and he will be next to our holly father Tekeleye because he was a holly father and will be for ever. May his blessings be with all of us. Also, one thing I will always remember about him is that he use to call me Bruke when he use to come to bless us at the St. Michael Church in Washington DC and he will always be remembered and I should really think our church should name him a Saint. May GOD bless our church and Ethiopia.


Name Brook and Wegayehue

[email protected]

City Melbourne
State -
Country Australia


I and my family deeply feel for his death and express our condolences and respect to all Ethiopian Orthodox Christian community in St Gebriel Church in Seattle.

We pray God to bless all Christians in Seattle and give you strength to accomplish his funeral with peace and the love
of God.

Oh Almighty God!
I am unfit to say any word on the departure of our beloved father you gave us, Abune Zena Markos, to the service of your children both here in the foreign land and at home. I pray to you so that you will strengthen us.

Your immigrant child.

Name Tefera Beshisha (PHARMD)

[email protected]

Telephone -
City McAlen
State TX
Country USA

May the almighty God put his soul near to the Appostle St. Peter and St. Tekele Haymanot. Father please pray for us. Don't leave us lonely.

Name Alem


Telephone -
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State -
Country -

We miss our great spiritual father and peace maker. He taught us love, peace, and humbleness. He was our guiding light and assurer. We the Ethiopian Orthodox Followers in Canada miss him a lots. May God bless his soul and put it in the place of Abraham and Yesahk.

E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Takoma Park
State MD
Country USA
I was shocked and deeply grieved to hear the sudden demise of our beloved his Holiness Abune Zena Markos. His demise is a great loss to Ethiopian Orthodox Church, especially at this critical time. He was an undoubted and strong soldier of the true faith and traditions of the Church to the very end. He suffered a lot to protect and preserve it. He wanted to establish peace, peace with dignity and justice in our Church. His deep devotion, unbounded religious zeal and fervour, limitless love, his simplicity and prayerful life and sincere services to the church are well known to everybody. He was a great shepherd and a spiritual leader, who carried the cross and followed his master our Lord Jesus Christ. Our Lord is faithful and will reward him for his sincere and dedicated services for the Church. I just want to say a little word of wisdom. They are not dead who live in lives they leave behind. In those whom they have blessed, they live a life again, and shall live through the year’s eternal life, and shall grow each day more beautiful, as time declares their good, forgets the rest, and proves their immortality."

Abate Aba Zena egezeabeher nefsoten bekegnu yakumot, legna lehateatgnoch lejocho mehereten endiadlen lemenulen. YESELAM EREFT YEHUNELWO

Name Alemayehu Zenebe
E-mail [email protected]
City Toronto
State Ontario
Country Canada

Our Father his Eminence Archbishop Zena Marcos was our spiritual Father. We were blessed having him. He taught and blessed us in his sermons and his way of life. His humbleness and his dedication to the work of God lift up our spiritual life. He came to Canada when ever we need him and he never complained whether it was winter full of snow and cold weather or Summer with scorching sun.

May God Bless his soul.

Name Amy Mulugeta Betlete
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Fife
State WA
Country USA

Fasil and Yami
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Ingelwood
State CA
Country USA
Our condolences to the family and all Ethiopians in Seattle for the passing away of His Eminence Archbishop Zena Markos.  Rest in Peace !

Name Kumelachw Zewde
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Silver Spring
State MD
Country USA

My Recpect to 'Aba Zena'
Truely Spritfull Father.

Name ShemelesS and Family
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Bakersfield
State CA
Country -
We are very sorry to hear this tragedy, death of our spiritual father. We are going to miss this spiritual father specially those who live in and around Los Angeles during Temket and other holidays.

Let his spirit rest next to our holy God.
We feel very sorry.

Name Dereje
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City San Jose
State CA
Country USA
I'm deeply sorry for the big loss of His Eminence Archbishop Zena Markos. He contributed tremendously and fought real hard to keep the Ethiopian Orthodox religion from extinction. May God bless his soul and rest in peace.

Name Bekelech Teklwolde
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Denver
State CO
Country USA
We will miss Our holly father.  I don't know how to explain about my father . Aba was very special. I wish I could be at the memorial service .God be with you.

Name Muluken
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Country -
Rest in peace, our father.

Name Solomon E.
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Country -
We all Ethiopian are in bad sorrow about his holly abune Zena. His holly was great treasury asset for us, but no choice God takes him. It is beyond our control on the other hand, it is also a great lesson for other wise Ethiopians because the time to pray for our unity by reconciling all silly mistake and differences in home land or external. See no one is eternal it is the time to see our selves Please! please! your identity is Ethiopian with precious Orthodox tewahido history on earth. All be think in open minded manner for this short life time to do good and love each other.

Thank you!

Name Anteneh Gebreyes
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Sydney
State NSW
Country Australia
Aba Zena for me was different, he was my beloved Father,he was my comforter, my shelter, my mirror to see my Lord Jesus Christ ---he was my friend and mentor although he departed from us all his deeds and love will remain with us forever

Name Ayalew
Telephone -
City Vancouver
State BC
Country -
I am very sad and don't know what to do.

Name Solomon Ferede
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Toronto
State Ontario
Country Canada
May God bless his soul.

Name Beferdu B. Melese
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Alexandria
State VA
Country USA
We regret for incident we heard about our father Abune Zena Markos.

God Bless Ethiopia

Name Mekuanent
Telephone -
City Frankfurt am/Main
State Hessen
Country Germany
Enih Talakina Tsadik Abat Mitik Yemayigegnlachew Ewunetagna Abat Neberru Yetesetachewun Mekilt Ejig Atrifew Wode Abatachew Egiziabeher Hedewal "Kibur Motu Lestadik Bekidime Egiziabiher" Melikamun gedil Yetegadelu Ystdikin Sira Abizitew Yeseru Melikamna Tihut Ewnetgna Abat Nberu Egiziabiher Beabiriham Ekif Nesachewn Yasarif Amen.

Name Melaku
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Seattle
State WA
Country USA
Thank you His Eminence Archbishop Zena Markos for the lessons you imparted to us not as much by what you said but as by the way you lived your entire life. You showed us how to follow Christ by your witness of hope, and in the end, how to die with dignity and acceptance that we may one day realize the joy awaiting all of us by virtue of the cross that you so nobly bore.

My family will misses you.
Ethiopians in Seattle will miss you.

Name Qesis Tadesse Duga Wake
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Nashville
State TN
Country -
I have known him for about 30 years from the time when I was a little boy in Zway clergy training School. In Ethiopia I met him one day before he was pushed to exile and I met him latter the day I came to the USA.

He officiated over my wedding ceremony and then ordained me a priest. I can't express how much he is present in my soul giving me day to day blessing and spiritual guidance. He was a true father whom I rest my confidence after I lost my other father, the late Gregoriuos. I know Zena has joined Gorgory and praying for me and Ethiopia.

Thank you Aba Zena, I will miss you as long as I am on this earth.

Name Girum Tsega
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Seattle
State WA
Country USA
What a great father! you will always be missed!

May God bless your soul !

Name Abba Gebrekidan
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City -
State -
Country -
Be bitsuentachwu erefit betam azignalhu yehun ena tegadiloachwune chrisewu new yehedut Egziabher bemngistu yeqblachwu berketachwu yedirsen amen.

Name Engida Kelecha
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Henderson
State NV
Country USA
yeitopia ortodox btekristian abate kizieh achebrebare ina kaihde alem bicsekne bemastmre(yewengle kalle) .yeortodox haimanote tektaye yihonote yetiopiawe sdetgga yerasu btechrista ,citalu be mstark.ezhihe deregga yaderseu talke abate bematataching talke hazne tesmtogle,lilochie habtoch esachew alame betgate enditegebru egziaberare yerdachwe,

Name Danie Amine
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Portland
State OR
Country -
Abune Zena was a true and very gracious father. I and my families will miss him. Let Almighty God keep his soul with Abraham and others. He taught us to keep our religion intact and strong.

Name Daniel
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Melbourne
State Victoria
Country Australia
Abate,Abune Zena Markos, I am a witnesses to the good fight our father Abune Zena Markos fought. To the unwavering faith he kept. To the race he completed. "Abate ersow mekerun erso astemarun lezh derjam bekan ,betchegernm geze teranowt dekemegn selchegn saylu ke USA-Australia dersew llejoche bilew dersu deyakunaten barku eganem k hateyatachen antsewn . .Abate enwdwotaln yaltunem abatoch yetabkeln emerkben emsebsebn eskmnage ders.

"May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in perpetual peace."

Name Hirut N. Abebayhu
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Nashville
State TN
Country USA
Our thoughts are with you as you mourn your loss and celebrate. Abuna Zena Markos had a remarkable personality. I am sorry that I can not be thehere, I wish I could.
He was a kind and honorable man. His loyalty to his people including, of course, to all the church members as well as his colleagues all over the world was remarkable. I don't think I ever heard Abuna Zena Markos say unkind word about anyone. His life disproves the saying: "nice guys finish last".
Abuna Zene enriched our lives. He was a good man. We miss him.

Please accept our heart-felt condolences.
Please let him be burried in his church in Seattle WA St. Gebriel Church of Ethiopians so we can visit when we come.
May his blessings be with us. Amen!!!

Name Melaku Tefera
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Olathe
State Kansas
Country USA
May the lord keep Archbishop Zena's soul in his embrace.

Name Fanuel Abebe Endalew
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Bronx
State New York
Country USA
Abune Zena was a loving spiritual father,a good shephard, graceful and holly. We miss him so much. May God rest his soul in peace.

Deacon Fanuel Abebe Endalew, New York

Name Yaddi
Telephone -
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Country -
Those who lived their life for the service of others, consider their passing a peaceful rest. Job well done your holiness!

Name -
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He was one of a kind - gentle in spirit, always smiling and humble. I remember last year I left for Ethiopia without letting anyone know. When I came back he made it a point to ask me where I have been. I knew he had been worried when he did not see me there for 5 weeks. May his soul rest in peace!!

Name G. A. Gobezie
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
State -
Country -
May the God he served all his life receive his soul; and redeem us all from the deep social, economic, political, and moral crises we, His children, are presently in. May He also bless us with great fathers like Abune Zena-Marqos forever. Amen.

Name Ayalnesh Kinde
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Rowlett
State TX
Country USA
My God be with us in this difficult times.
Aynalesh and Aberra

Name Germame
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City -
State -
Country -
May His Soul Rest In Peace

Name Hiwot Abebe
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Los Angeles
State CA
Country USA
Rest in Peace!!

Name Zelalem Zeleke
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Midlan City
State Alabama
Country USA
I was shocked when I heard this news, but that's the only way to go to our LORD. We are the ones who lost him, I am sure he is in a better place. May God bless his soul.

Name Gultnesh S. Ambaw
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Las Vegas
State NV
Country USA
"When you were born you cried and the world rejoiced.- Live your life in such a way that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice."
Rest In Peace Abatachen.
May God help us all.

Name Gutema Bulto
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Edmonds
State WA
Country USA
We miss our Great father. He gave me valuable advice on how to get started in Seattle when I moved here. Let his soul rest in peace.

Name Yirgalem Assegid
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Miami
State Florida
Country USA
I am deeply saddened by by the passing away of our father. I felt as if I lost my parents. Let his soul rest in peace .

Name Mariam
Telephone -
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Country -
You were always there for me when i needed you. You were my angel. You were my best friend. I love you and will miss so much.

Name Belen
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Seattle
State WA
Country USA
I don’t know what to say, where to start or how to express the sorrow that has troubled my mind ever since I learned about the sad news. I attend St. Gabriel Church here in Seattle every Sunday. And when I went there this past Sunday, I felt as if part of myself was gone. It’s not the same with out Abune Zena Markos. His blessed presence eased our troubles and lifted our spirit to yearn for love and peace. He had thought us so much, I don’t even know where to begin. Now, it’s up to us to put his words of wisdom into action and uphold his memory until we also pass away to the better world. I believe he is watching over us, and we ought to make him proud and be good role models for the next generation. Let us follow his footsteps, cherish what he has accomplished for this confused world, and work together in promoting love with a positive mind. Together we’re better!
God Bless!

Name Getachew
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Sydney
State NSW
Country Australia
We would like to extend our condolences regarding the loss great father whom we lost on the 14th of February 2010. May he rest in peace.
From Saba and family

Name Nesanet Feleke
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City -
State Nebraska
Country -
GOD has his own days. But I wish if we have you same more days until the day of the...

Name Tsion Asfaw
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Washington, DC area
State -
Country -
I consider myself and my friends among the lucky ones because we had met Abatachinin, and had gotten his blessings in several occasions. He was full of God’s grace, full of peace and such calmness. I know I am going to Miss Abatachin, so do the rest of St. Gabriel choir and ‘Miemnan’. We all are saddened by his passing, but we know one thing for sure. As he arrives in heaven, the Angels and the saints will be marching and chanting to welcome him home, singing heavenly songs and congratulating him for fighting the good fight. Abatachin, for us, we miss you dearly. We miss your presence, belessings, and your blessings in ‘Kidasae.”
Rest in Peace Abatachin.

Name Terefe Worku
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City -
State -
Country -
May God rest our father soul in the bosom of Abraham, Jacob and Isaac!

Name Ayni Molla
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City -
State MD
Country USA
A very sad day for the followers, but truly home going for him. May his soul rest in peace.

Name Berihun
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Burnaby
State -
Country Canada
My condolences to you all. My Holly Father Rest in Peace.

Name Fekade and meseret
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Mercer Island
State WA
Country USA
He will be missed forever. Our church and the Ethiopian community lost a great father and leader. God bless his soul.

Name Samuel Lesanework
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Frankfurt am/Main
State Hessen
Country Germany
Egziabher amlak nefsachewn yimarlin.
lemiemenum mestnanatin yistlin

Name Shiferaw Abera
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Norcross
State Georgia
Country USA
I am very saddened by his sudden death however I will always remember his good work & peace loving father as long as I live. May God Bless His Soul.

Name Solomon
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Silver Spring
State MD
Country USA
Abune zena, a father who lived his christian life in deeds is missed by millions. But we remain with his gift of what life of christian does mean. May God rest his soul with Abraham and Yakob.

Name Tegist
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Los Angeles
State CA
Country USA
Ethiopia just lost one of her saint, but I can feel/imagine heaven rolling down the red carpet to welcome abatachen. May god rest your soul. You will be missed.

Name Habte Michael Abera
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Calgary
State Alberta
Country Canada


Name -
Telephone -
City -
State -
Country -
I am deeply saddened to hear the death of
His Eminence Archbishop Abune Zena Marcos.
We lost a true father who touched the life
of so many of us in so many ways.
May God rest his soul in peace.

Name Solomon Sisay
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Boston
State MA
Country USA
REST IN PEACE. His Eminence Archbishop Zena Markos, His holiness thought me not only a good times but also in bad times..............At the time when no one to came to our church to celebrate, his holiness came to celebrate with us.

Name Deacon Mekonnen Desta
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Addis Ababa
State -
Country Ethiopia
I am sorry. I fill sad we mlost a great father. He was a great father for the Ethiopian Ortodox Church again we Ethiopian miss Him. May God rest his soul beside Our Fathers Abraham Yishaq And Yaieqob.

Name Rev. Arch Dkn. Workineh Belesse
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Indianapolis
State IN
Country USA
I am sorry to hear the bad news that our Father Archbishop Zena Markos has fallen asleep in the Lord. It is difficult to understand why such tragedies happen and we do not understand why our Father was taken from us so early.
I am sure that we are surrounded with faithful and the pleasant memories we have of Archbishop.

My wife and I had the opportunity to met with our Father Archbishop on several occasions, he was always a happy and loving person to the people he knew or strangers he had just met. he opened his door and his heart to so many church families and friends. Everyone talks about his goodness at coffee hours or church festivals when Archbishop’s name comes up.

I believe that faith and dedication to Christ relies heavily on the commitment of a person and his spiritual father. Devotion such as that of Archbishop allows us to be a servant of the Lord in the field of hospitality and to serve our faithful in all their needs with a humble heart. I believe all of us who knew Archbishop Zena Markos, know that he had reached out to us as one of our mentors. Truly, he will be missed by all of us. He was a helper for the helpless, a counselor for those seeking to learn.

May the memory of our father, His Eminence Archbishop Zena Markos, be eternal.

Name S. Beyene
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Rochester
State NY
Country USA
Abatachin was a very good example of how followers of Christ should be like in their daily life. He was a true father of our Church and a determined leader who was not persuaded by personal gain but the wellbeing of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church. We will surely miss him. May God bless his soul. “In life, in death, in life beyond death, nothing can separate us from the love of our Lord.”

From: Menkir-Haila Kidanemehret EOT Church in Rochester

Name Meaza Abraham
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Alexandria
State VA
Country -
Word can not express my sorrow beloved father. We have a special place for him until we die. You are always with us spiritually. No one forgets GOD GIFTED FATHER like Abune Zena Marcos. How can you manage to left your children. We need you. There is no one to replace you. Your grace, smile, teaching and treating all of us as special.

Name Sergut Gebrekirstos
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Denver
State Colorado
Country USA
I have no words to express the loss our Father, I will miss his soft voice, his loving and caring advice. A great Holly Man.

Name Arega Asfaw
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Seattle
State WA
Country USA
He was a great person. If at all we have to name a saint, I put him next to Abune Tekle Haymanot the first. We all have to strive for that.

Name Alem B.
E-mail -
Telephone -
City Seattle
State WA
Country -
He believes in Peace and Love. He will be missed. The rest of the Bishops need to follow his foot step.
His home is ETHIOPIA and his body needs to rest in peace in his BELOVED COUNTRY

Name Mayor Mike McGinn
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Seattle
State WA
Country USA
February 18, 2010

I was saddened to hear that His Eminence Abune Zena Markos, Archbishop of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, has passed away. I extend my personal condolences to everyone who knew and loved him.

I understand that His Eminence Abune Zena Markos performed his apostolic duties with love and compassion in many parts of the world, including Africa, Australia and North America. The Mekane Birhan St. Gebriel Tewahedo Cathedral in Seattle, where he served for 16 years, will stand as a permanent testament to his vision, dedication, leadership and commitment to service. He will be greatly missed.


Michael McGinn
Mayor of Seattle

Name Lijwot
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Baltimore
State MD
Country USA

Name Deacon Habtamu
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Washington
State DC
Country -
My dear Holy father, I missed you.
I am one of his special spiritual children. He was peaceful, graceful, lovable, true holy father. I got his spiritual blessings. He loved all his spiritual children and family. I am sad by his separation from his children by flesh, but his soul is in peace with God. Let his soul rest in heaven eternally.

On this occasion I would like to encourage spiritual leaders, and member of orthodox family who are in separation to come together and become one. We are the ones who can initiate the church fathers, and member of churches to bring them together.

Name Ermias Eguale
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Vancouver
State BC
Country Canada
We, members of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo St. Mary Churhc in Vancouver, are deeply saddened by the passing of His Eminence Abune Zena Markos to his eternal home. It is very hard to find adequate words to express our sadness. We can go on and on. We have prayed and hoped that God extends his stay with us as long as possible. Well, God had other plans for him.

We are his spritual children; he taught us and proved to us that faith and prayer should be our only hope. We have no doubt he is our Saint. His blessings will flood us many more.

God Bless Us All!

Name Renae Farage
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Seattle
State WA
Country USA
May you rest in peace.

Name Ayele Tadesse
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Nashville
State TN
Country -
It took me days to accept the death of my dearest father His Eminence Archbishop Zena Markos. I can’t find a word to describe the works of His Eminence to his Church and Community. He was a true Orthodox representative figure, he embraced his community with Christ, he spread the gospel, he was the best leader of the church who believed in transparency of his performance. God bless his soul.

Name Abebe Dagnew
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Fairfax
State VA
Country USA
I really felt very sad hearing this news. I want to pass my deepest condolences to all Ethiopian Orthodox Christians and specifically the St. Gebriel church in Seattle.

Name Tesfaye A. Belihu
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Burien
State WA
Country -
I and my family regret the passing away of Abuna Zena Markos whom my mother refered to as Abatchin. on behalf of my mom who is a cancer surviver in a vegetative state in a nursing home, _Negat Dubale Wolde Tsadik (Kirstina sim - Trsite Gebriel) and my dad Adefris Belhu Zerefu (Kiristina Sim - Haile Selassie) who is also living in a nursing home, I like to extend condolence to the leaders and members of St. Gebriel Ethiopians Church of seattle.
Tesfaye A. Belihu ( Kiristina Sim - Bisrate Gebriel)
 Genet Alemayehu Abayazew
 child Melchizedek T. Bellihu

Name Bisrate Gabriel
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Oakland
State CA
Country USA
May his Memory Be Eternal. It is a great loss not only to all the faithful of ETOC in the Seattle area but to the Church in general.
Let us work towards a unified future. Our Church fathers and we the Sons and Daughters of EOTC have paid the price. It is the period of Great Lent and we should not fall into temptation of division and hatred. This was not His Eminence;s teaching.

Name Desalegn Mihiret
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Jerusalem
State -
Country Israel
ahune telke abat atenale egeheabher nefesachewen begenete yanurelen legfuachewena lesedete ledarguachew gen astemachew yefaredachwal

Name Ermias Sahle-Selassie
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Mclean
State VA
Country USA
It is with deep regret I heard the news of His Emminence's passing. May the Lord receive him in his grace.

Name Woldeamlak
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City -
State -
Country TX
Our Father Abune Zena, let God be with you, and give you Zelalemawi Ereft.

Name Lea Gardner
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Seattle
State WA
Country USA
I live in the neighborhood and often saw Archbishop Markos taking his morning walk. He always waved and smiled at me and others that were out in the early morning hours. His presence will be missed.

Name Jonathan Marc Teusink
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Jackson
State Michigan
Country USA
I just heard about the repose of Abune Zayna Marqos and I want to express my deepest condolences to Bisrate Gebri'ayl Church, the Holy Synod in Exile, and the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church generally. God remember Abune in His Kingdom and make his memory eternal!

Name Wondimhunegne Araya-Sellassie
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Arlington
State VA
Country USA
I have had the honor of attending church services in Abune Zena's presence, and was also privileged to meeting him privately on a couple of occasions in DC. And on those occasions, he told me stories about my DAD Fitawrari Araya-Sellassie Zeleke on how he built the Church of St Mary in Asosa, Wolega, and how it has now become a sacred shrine for the people of that vicinity and for the region as a whole. Abune Zena is going to be greatly missed by the faithful followers of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, and by those who had the privilege of knowing him closely.

With deep sadness,

Wondimhunegne Araya-Sellassie

Name H.G. Bishop Joseph (Reddell)
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Bellingham
State WA
Country USA
We pray for the repose of His Eminence and sing Memory Eternal. A Pamana will be offered for his soul in the Kalyvi of St Michael.

God's Blessings to our brothers and sisters in the Ethiopian community.


Name +.Metropolitan Archbishop Stephan
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Huron
State Ohio
Country USA
On behalf of the Hierarchy of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Church Sobornopravna, we extend our Deepest sympathy to the Hierarchy and members of the Holy Ethiopian Orthodox Church in Exile.of the passing of His Eminence Abune Zena..May His memory be Eternal +.

+.Metropolitan Archbishop Stephan Petrovich,
Most Senior Hierarch of the U.A.O.C.of North and South America.

Name Lydia Tolera
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Vancouver
State BC
Country Canada
 My name is Lidiya, I am from Vancouver B.C. I am in the childrens choir group. When I had heard about Abune Zena Markos I couldnt beleive it, I was devastated, I felt like I was in a nightmare. Abune Zena, a great father to everyone around the world. I have always had faith in him and forever will his body has gone but his spirit is here forever with all of us. He has done a great deed in this world.

A father that will always be missed.

Name Adane Haile
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City -
State -
Country Ethiopia
My Ethiopian Orthodox Church and my country Ethiopia have lost a holy man. His Eminence Archbishop Zena Markos was one of our most holy father in our time. He loved his people, church and his country Ethiopia. I don't have a word to express our holy father's .. My dear holy father, I am going to miss you so much. My holy father , rest in peace.

Name Solomon Zelalem
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone -
City Addis Ababa
State -
Country Ethiopia
I am shocked when I read the death of His Eminence Archbishop Zena Markos 'Abune Zena'.We have lost a good abat. May GOD put HIS Soul in heaven by HIS right peasfuly.